
Company delivery address

GET companydeliveryaddress/get?referencenumber={referencenumber}&accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets the specified company deliver address based on account number and reference number.

POST companydeliveryaddress/add

Adds the specified address.

PUT companydeliveryaddress/edit

Edits the specified address.

DELETE companydeliveryaddress/delete

Deletes the specified address. Links of all users linked to that address will also be removed

POST companydeliveryaddress/addcustomer

Adds the customer. This method will only add customer if company deliver address ApplyAllCustomers is set to false.

DELETE companydeliveryaddress/deletecustomer

Deletes the customer.

PUT companydeliveryaddress/updatereferencenumber

Updates the reference number.

GET companydeliveryaddress?referencenumber={referencenumber}&accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets the specified company deliver address based on account number and reference number.


This is used to get, add, edit or delete details regarding product. For further info see inner methods

GET product/get?code={code}

This will return product details based on the code

GET product/getall

Gets all products.

POST product/add

It will add a product to the database based on category_code If invalid category_code is provided the prouct will not be added To get the list of category_codes go to : /category/getall You will need to pass all the fields. For mandatory you cannot pass blank fields.

PUT product/edit

It will update product details to the database based on product_code If invalid product_code is provided the prouct will not be updated To get the list of product_codes go to : url You will need to pass all the fields. For mandatory you cannot pass blank fields.

PUT product/editprice

Edits the price.

POST product/adddescription

Adding description for the product based on the DisplayOrder and product_code

PUT product/editdescription

Update description for the product based on the DisplayOrder and product_code

POST product/addorupdatedimensions

Adds or Updates Product Dimensions

PUT product/updateflags

This method will update all the boolean flags in the system. For list of all the boolean flags see the parameters. Please note: all the fields are mandatory

PUT product/updatecode

Update the product code Client can only update their own product and not master product

POST product/addcategory

Add Category to a product Set a category to be primary and Remove other category which will make the provided category to be primary

PUT product/removecategory

Remove Product Category relations, will not remove if the category is set to primary. To remove primary category relations, first set another category to primary and then remove it.

GET product/getpricebands

Call this method to get the list of price bands

POST product/addcustomcheckbox

This method is used to add a custom check box value for a product. For further info refer to the documentation provided by webigence

PUT product/editcustomcheckbox

This method is used to edit a custom check box value for a product. For further info refer to the documentation provided by webigence

GET product/getregions

This method will return the regions for the client/dealer. For further info refer documentation provided.

POST product/addregionrelation

This method will add relation between region and product, can have multiple regions

DELETE product/removeregionrelation

Removes the relation between region and product

POST product/addlocation

This method will add a location for the product

PUT product/editlocation

This method will edit a location for the product

GET product/getlocations?productcode={productcode}

Gets all the location for the product

DELETE product/removelocation

Remove location for a product

POST product/addimage

To upload an image please post the data using MultipartFormDataPost The post parameters accepted are: 1) GroupCode: The code of the group the image belongs to 2) ProductCode: The product code for which the image belongs 3) SubFolder: To store the image in a subfolder 4) ImageNumber: The display order of the image and the image itself

DELETE product/removeimage

Removes product image (provide product code) based on display order and group code

DELETE product/removeimages

Removes all images for a product

DELETE product/delete?code={code}

No documentation available.

GET product?code={code}

This will return product details based on the code

GET product?productcode={productcode}

Gets all the location for the product

DELETE product?code={code}

No documentation available.


Blog post add,get and edit

GET blogpost/getbyfriendlyurl?friendlyurl={friendlyurl}

Gets the blog post by friendly URL.

GET blogpost/getall

Gets all.

POST blogpost/add

Adds the specified blog post.

PUT blogpost/edit

Edits the specified blog post based on friendly url.

PUT blogpost/updatefriendlyurl

Updates the friendly URL.

POST blogpost/addtag

Adds the tag.

DELETE blogpost/removetag

Removes a tag.

DELETE blogpost/removetags

Removes the tags.

GET blogpost/gettags?friendlyurl={friendlyurl}

Gets all the tags for the blog post.

POST blogpost/addvideo

Adds the video.

DELETE blogpost/removevideo

Removes the video based on display order.

DELETE blogpost/removevideos

Remove all the videos for the blog post.

GET blogpost/getvideos?friendlyurl={friendlyurl}

Gets all the videos for that blog post.

DELETE blogpost/removeimages?friendlyurl={friendlyurl}

Removes all the images for the blog post.

DELETE blogpost/removeimage

GET blogpost

Gets all.

DELETE blogpost?friendlyurl={friendlyurl}

Removes all the images for the blog post.


This is used to get, add, edit or delete details regarding dealers. For further info see inner methods

GET dealer/get

Gets dealer details

GET dealer

Gets dealer details


Contract Price

GET contractprice/getallbyproduct?productcode={productcode}

Gets all by product.

GET contractprice/getallbycompany?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets all by company.

POST contractprice/add

Adds the specified contract price.

PUT contractprice/edit

Edits the specified contract price.

DELETE contractprice/delete

Deletes the specified contract price.

DELETE contractprice/deleteallbycompany

Deletes all by company.

DELETE contractprice/deleteallbyproduct

Deletes all by product code.

DELETE contractprice/deleteallbycompanyandproduct

Deletes all by company and product.

GET contractprice?productcode={productcode}

Gets all by product.

GET contractprice?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets all by company.

POST contractprice

Adds the specified contract price.

PUT contractprice

Edits the specified contract price.


GET company/get?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets the specified company based on accountnumber.

GET company/getall

Get all companies.

POST company/add

Adds the specified company.

PUT company/edit

Updates the specified company based on account number.

GET company/getcustomers?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets all the customers for the company. This method will not return passwords

GET company/getaddresses?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Returns all addresses for the specified company.

POST company/addorupdatecompanybillingaddress

Adds or updates company billing address.

GET company/getbillingaddress?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets the billing address.

GET company/getdeliveryaddresses?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets the list of delivery addresses.

GET company/getcostcentres?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets the list of cost centres.

POST company/addorupdatepricingmodel

Adds the pricing model.

DELETE company/removepricingmodel

Removes the pricing model associated to the company.

DELETE company/delete

Deletes the specified company. This method will also delete company users, company addresses, cost centres related to company

GET company

Get all companies.

PUT company

Updates the specified company based on account number.


cost centre get, add, edit and delete

GET costcentre/get?referencenumber={referencenumber}&accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets the specified company deliver address based on account number and reference number.

POST costcentre/add

Adds the specified cost centre.

PUT costcentre/edit

Edits the specified address.

PUT costcentre/updatereferencenumber

Updates the reference number.

POST costcentre/addcustomer

Adds the customer. This method will only add customer if company cost centre ApplyAllCustomers is set to false.

DELETE costcentre/deletecustomer

Deletes the customer.

DELETE costcentre/delete

Deletes the specified address. Links of all users linked to that address will also be removed

GET costcentre?referencenumber={referencenumber}&accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets the specified company deliver address based on account number and reference number.


GET orderpad/getallbycompany?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets all by company.

GET orderpad?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets all by company.


GET productpricingmodel/getall

Gets all pricing model.

GET productpricingmodel/get?code={code}

Gets the specified pricing model based on code.

POST productpricingmodel/add

Adds the specified product pricing model.

PUT productpricingmodel/edit

Edits the specified product pricing model.

DELETE productpricingmodel/delete

Deletes the specified product pricing model based on code.

DELETE productpricingmodel/deletecompanies

This method will delete all companies associated to the pricing model

GET productpricingmodel/getcompanies?code={code}

Gets the companies.

POST productpricingmodel/adddiscount

Adds the discount. 1) Code: Mandatory. String, max 20 chars. To link to pricing model 2) MatrixCode: Mandatory. String, 1 char. Must be a valid pricing band letter per official Spicers or VOW data. 3) RequiredVolume: Mandatory. Whole number. Provide 1 if discount does not depend on quantity ordered 4) Percentage: Mandatory. Number representing a percentage added to the cost price, or given as a discount off RRP.

PUT productpricingmodel/editdiscount

Edits the discount. 1) Code: Mandatory. String, max 20 chars. To link to pricing model 2) MatrixCode: Mandatory. String, 1 char. Must be a valid pricing band letter per official Spicers or VOW data. 3) RequiredVolume: Mandatory. Whole number. Provide 1 if discount does not depend on quantity ordered 4) Percentage: Mandatory. Number representing a percentage added to the cost price, or given as a discount off RRP. Percentage will be the only thing updated. To update any other field remove and re add.

DELETE productpricingmodel/deletediscount

Deletes the discount based on Code, MatrixCode and RequiredVolume. 1) Code: Mandatory. String, max 20 chars. To link to pricing model 2) MatrixCode: Mandatory. String, 1 char. Must be a valid pricing band letter per official Spicers or VOW data. 3) RequiredVolume: Mandatory. Whole number. Provide 1 if discount does not depend on quantity ordered

DELETE productpricingmodel/deletealldiscountsbyvolume

Deletes all discounts by volume.

GET productpricingmodel

Gets all pricing model.


This is used to get, add, edit or delete details regarding newsletter campaigns. For further info see inner methods

GET newslettercampaign/get?friendlyurl={friendlyurl}

This method will return newsletter campaign details based on friendly url.

GET newslettercampaign/getall

No documentation available.

GET newslettercampaign/getrecipients?friendlyurl={friendlyurl}

Gets the recipients.

GET newslettercampaign/getstatistics?friendlyurl={friendlyurl}

Gets the statistics.

GET newslettercampaign

No documentation available.


This is used to get, add, edit or delete details regarding category. For further info see inner methods

GET category/getall

Get all the categories

GET category/getparent

Get all the parent visible categories


Add/edit/get/delete customer

GET customer/get?email={email}

Gets the specified customer based on email.

GET customer/getall

Gets all customers. This method will not return the password

POST customer/add

Adds the specified customer.

PUT customer/edit

Edits the specified customer. This method will not update the password or company.

DELETE customer/delete

Deletes the specified customer.

GET customer/getaddresses?email={email}

Gets Billing, Cost Centre and Delivery

GET customer/getbillingaddress?email={email}

Gets the billing address.

GET customer/getdeliveryaddresses?email={email}

Gets the list of delivery addresses.

GET customer/getcostcentres?email={email}

Gets the list of cost centres.

GET customer

Gets all customers. This method will not return the password

POST customer

Adds the specified customer.

PUT customer

Edits the specified customer. This method will not update the password or company.

DELETE customer

Deletes the specified customer.


GET order/getall

Gets all.

GET order/getallbystatuswithproductlines?returnprocessed={returnprocessed}&markreturnedasprocessed={markreturnedasprocessed}&maxrecordstoreturn={maxrecordstoreturn}

No documentation available.

GET order/getallbybackofficestatuswithproductlines?backofficeorderstatusid={backofficeorderstatusid}&markreturnedassent={markreturnedassent}&maxrecordstoreturn={maxrecordstoreturn}

No documentation available.

POST order/updatebackofficestatusbysystemreferences?systemreferences={systemreferences}&backofficestatusid={backofficestatusid}

No documentation available.

GET order/getallbycompany?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets orders by account number.

GET order/get?systemreference={systemreference}

Gets the order by specified system reference.

GET order/getproductlines?systemreference={systemreference}

Gets the product lines for the order.

GET order

Gets all.

GET order?returnprocessed={returnprocessed}&markreturnedasprocessed={markreturnedasprocessed}&maxrecordstoreturn={maxrecordstoreturn}

No documentation available.

GET order?backofficeorderstatusid={backofficeorderstatusid}&markreturnedassent={markreturnedassent}&maxrecordstoreturn={maxrecordstoreturn}

No documentation available.

POST order?systemreferences={systemreferences}&backofficestatusid={backofficestatusid}

No documentation available.

GET order?accountnumber={accountnumber}

Gets orders by account number.